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Home Cinema Horror Sci-Fi Fantasy Zombies Nazi Zombie Death Tales [Edizione: Regno Unito] – dvd

Nazi Zombie Death Tales [Edizione: Regno Unito] – dvd


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Attori: Tina Barnes, Paul Kelleher, Cy Henty, Jess-Luisa Flynn, Sam Smith
Regista: James Eaves, Pat Higgins, Alan Ronald
Formato: PAL, Adulto
Audio: Inglese
Lingua: Inglese
Regione: Regione 2 (Ulteriori informazioni su Formati DVD.)
Numero di dischi: 1
Studio: Safecracker Pictures
Durata: 90 minuti

A unique, sexy and terrifying anthology movie brought to you by three of the most fiercely original independent directors working in horror today.

The Zombie Death Tales is an ambitious and impressive follow up movie to their highly acclaimed Bordello Death Tales . Both features recreate the golden age of Amicus with their trademark portmanteau horror anthologies. Jim Eaves ( ‘Bane’), Pat Higgins (‘KillerKiller’, ‘Hellbride’, TrashHouse’) and Alan Ronald (‘Jesus vs the Messiah’) bring you three dark tales from the battlegrounds of World War 2.

Medal of Horror: Director Jim Eaves takes you on a suicide mission, with a young British soldier doing all he can to defeat the Nazi menace and their First World War zombified soldiers.

Devils of the Blitz: A family, sheltering from Nazi bombers, is terrorized by flesh eating devils. Director Pat Higgins brings you a dark tale of suspense, edged with pitch-black comedy.

Harriet s War: Director Alan Ronald brings you a spooky slice of paranormal pulp in this nerve-jangling ghost story, all against the backdrop of World War 2.

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